Medzinárodné partnerstvá cez internet - eTwinning projekty realizované na našej škole - školský rok 2018/2019
"This is us" - "To sme my"
stránka projektu (login pre žiakov)
Do projektu sú zapojení žiaci 5.A triedy, projekt realizujú p.učiteľka Ľudmila Kundrátová a Martina Vinjarová.
By means of this project, student will discover new people and new places. They will exchange information about themselves, their school and their country. For that they will use presentations and videos, where they can show the beauty of each country.
For that we will develop the following tasks:
* Create a presentation about yourself and your family, your routines, your free time activities. we will use the “padlet” platform
* Describe your school: facilities, schedules & routines. They will use any presentation platform they may prefer (prezi, gslides, canva)
* Describe your town: location, nature, cultural heritage & celebration. Again, they will use any presentation platform they may prefer (prezi, gslides, canva)
The objectives are:
* to improve the skills on English language competence.
* to develop a self-consciousness on cultural identity
* to practice structures on how to give and understand personal information
* to practice cross-curricular issues such as environmental education.
* to improve the linguistic competence.
* to improve the digital competence
* to improve the self-initiative & entrepreneurship competence